اطلاعات محقق |
نام و نام خانوادگی : Mohsen Janghorbani |
تحصیلات : PhD |
موضوع کاری : leishmaniasis treatment |
تلفن : 0311-2334893 |
فکس : 0311-6682509 |
موبایل : 09131147467 |
آدرس : |
وب سایت : |
آدرس پست الکترونیکی: janghorbani@yahoo.com |
موضوع >> treatment of leishmaniasis |
Objectives: The objectives of this proposal are to assess the relative efficacy of topical MJ1 compared to routine care in the treatment of histologically proven cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL.
Methods: A comparative trial will be conduct in which 200 patients will be randomly alocate to the two treatment groups. The first group (controls) received routine care. The second group received topical MJ1 agent as a paste applied to the lesions without cover three times a day for 30 days. Response to treatment will be assess at 1, 2, 3 and 8 weeks after start of therapy.